I will cry away your tears, for mine has dried into patience waiting
Pick up this pebble lying lost along the beaches of this forsaken lagoon
For I am waiting to be noticed……acknowledge my presence.
To bring downpour of bliss and euphoria
To take you on a ride to that utopia of silent acceptance of romance
Hold me for the rest of your way for I am no walking stick
But a stranger who is walking away into the strangeness of oneself
I am not asking to simplify complications; your silent stare can come to some consolation
To share my glass of wine with someone…to cheer the camaraderie
You can make it work, you can make me come alive, you can.
Give me a reason not to come back….in the sense coming back to what I was.
A baby who doesn’t even know to cry out with innocence and want
Eyes which hardly want to blink; in fear of missing your sudden glimpse.
For let me limit my world to this world. Where this world tends to infinity and beyond.
For you are the only probable difference between them.
This drink is worth a drop if not a peg
Rather, no one else can need you as badly
I will cry away your tears, for mine has dried into patience waiting.
- Chetan Tibrewala