Sunday, February 24, 2008

Primal Instinct

Sex! Male or female, everyone wants it, but not everyone admits it. No wonder then, that everyone's so sexually frustrated. We always underplay this instinct that's been around since the time of cellular beings. You need to switch to Airtel and express yourself (who'd want the Hutch puppy jumping into bed at a perfectly intimate moment anyway?). Sex has been connecting people even before Nokia was just a way of telling people you were rejected.

One of the major reasons sex isn't spoken about as freely as, say, chocolate ice cream is that it's an activity (naturally) involving a male and female and the two hardly understand each other. Women expect men to pick up subtle signals like Dish TV (Ha, girls, thoda AUR wish karo). Men, well, the less said the better. You see, kinks in men's amour are the chinks in men's armour. Every ass only wants a piece of, well, ass. Someone said: Women give sex for love. Men give love for sex (of course there are exceptions such as *ahem* me and homosexuals). I'm sure whoever said that never got any more sex in his life. So it's really true that truth hurts eh? Ouch!

I'm sure moans, hormones and harmony have the same origin. What I really don't understand is how sex went from “woohoo!” to taboo. Who brought civilization to sex? Or sex to civilization for that matter? Sex is best enjoyed with animalistic passion (I guess, I wouldn't know), a sort of primal instinct. I mean, there wasn't really a need to make it ethical/moral/religious, was there? Don't try to make sex 'propah' is what I'm saying. Let it remain a natural activity between two that brings pleasure to both (Usually one! Men, are you listening? the girls aren't satisfied). It's a natural desire, like hunger or peeing. Like Nike, you've gotta just do it. But like Reebok, we keep running from discussing it. Well, I'll confess that for most of us, who look the way we do, sex is just a distant fantasy. But buck up people, impossible is nothing. If you aren't so choosy, I'm sure you'll find some action.

Sex is, without a doubt, the most powerful expression of love; and of course, the climax of lust. The most beautiful (transgender) activity two people can indulge in. Having said that, let's keep it safe and beautiful. The importance of protection cannot be overstated. I now know why that pestilence on computers is called a virus. It's easy to see the correlation. One infected pen drive can infect every motherboard. Similarly, one man's overdrive can infect every mother (to be) bored. And of course, you know how the other pen drives too get affected. In the time I take to write this article, 235 people will have died of AIDS. And of course there are other diseases like Herpes, Hepatitis (not to mention addiction) too, that spread through sex easily. In a very short while, the only activity that produces people will also be the very activity that destroys the most. Not only can sex make a person's day, it can also make a person! And kill him/her too. So keep it safe, okay?

- Nikhil Kini


Janvi Gandhi said...

Extra-ordinary man! It is one of the most entertaining articles I've read from the longest time. Like the way you've refrained from being politically correct. The real message of safe sex seems to have been whispered in our ears while we were busy laughing. The article is packed with a power and honesty that is truly unique. Good job, and keep the originality intact:)

Samir Bellare said...

nice lines in the article...good read...of course, its about sex ;)
but seriously, the topic you've chosen is not the reason for the claps...its the content

Anonymous said...

Really well written Nikhil...It makes you smile, laugh and wonder at the same time! Good technique